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The Dowse Library

The Dowse Library Engraving
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This view of the Dowse Library was engraved by H. 赖特·史密斯在1857年4月9日图书馆开放时展示了它, 在波士顿特里蒙特街30号的马萨诸塞州历史学会总部. 虽然在1899年被拆除,搬到了我们现在的博伊尔斯顿街1154号大楼, the library looks much the same now as it did then.

Who was Thomas Dowse?

Thomas Dowse, 谁会成为历史学会最伟大的捐助者之一, was born in Charlestown on 28 December 1772, the son of Eleazer Dowse, a tanner and leather dresser. Injured in a fall from an apple tree at age six, and later afflicted by rheumatic fever, 道斯是一个体弱多病、跛脚的孩子,他把读书当作“消遣和消遣”,他如饥似渴地阅读,并开始养成了一生的收藏习惯. Largely self-taught, 道斯继承了父亲的衣钵,成为一名制革匠和皮革化妆师, establishing his own business in Cambridgeport. By 1814, 他在中央广场附近建了一座三层的木屋,至今仍屹立不倒, the centerpiece of which was his second-floor library. 道斯一直没有结婚,直到1846年,他每天都在做自己的生意, 把每一分钱和每一分钟的空闲时间都花在他不断扩大的藏书上.

托马斯·道斯实际上阅读了他所获得的书籍,并把他的收藏集中在英国文学和外国文学的翻译上, amassing a library valued at more than $40,000, well over a million dollars in today's currency. Luther Farnham, who surveyed American private libraries in 1855, said of Dowse's collection: "The writer ... 在新英格兰的私人所有的图书馆里,英国文学似乎是最丰富、最充实的." Edward Everett, 在担任哈佛大学校长期间拜访过道斯和他的图书馆的人, 将其描述为“最优秀的英语图书图书馆”, for its size, with which I am acquainted."

Strawberries Lead to an Unexpected Gift

尽管道斯和他的图书馆在波士顿的知识精英中很有名(他们中的许多人是MHS的成员),, 由于出身卑微和缺乏正规教育,道斯从未被考虑加入该组织, 以及该协会的会员人数限制在60名常驻会员, virtually assured it. In the 1850s, however, 道斯开始为这些书寻找一个归宿,因为这些书是“他最珍爱的尘世之物” ... 年轻时是他的向导,成年时是他的扶持,年老时是他的安慰.尽管哈佛大学向道斯示好,但最终还是没能与他们达成协议. George Livermore-Dowse's confidant, fellow bibliophile, 她是MHS的成员,是道斯和协会之间的中间人, 他向道斯提出了两个条件:这些书“永远”存放在一个房间里,而且只能在那个房间里使用. 在没有征求其他协会成员意见的情况下,主席罗伯特. Winthrop eagerly accepted Dowse's gift in July of 1856.

一个从未参观过协会的神圣殿堂或被邀请加入的人会给MHS做这么有价值的礼物,这似乎很神秘. In Dowse's own words, 他早就熟悉这个协会的性质了, 他还亲自认识了很多成员, he felt sure, that, in their keeping, 他的书多年来一直是他的选择和珍爱的朋友, would be carefully preserved and properly used..."

然而,温斯洛普总统确信,草莓在多斯的决定中发挥了关键作用. 协会每年都会在会员家中举行几次会议. George Livermore hosted the spring meeting, known as the "Strawberry Festival,,并邀请道斯与乔赛亚·昆西(Josiah Quincy)等MHS杰出成员接触, George Ticknor, Francis Parkman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Edward Everett. 虽然道斯因为身体欠佳拒绝了邀请, 温斯洛普确信,利弗莫尔邀请他和协会成员一起吃草莓,这对道斯来说是决定性的因素.

虽然道斯没能活着看到他的图书馆安装在学会(他死于1856年11月4日), 他确实亲自把收藏中的珍品之一送给了温斯洛普总统, the 1625 edition of Purchas His Pilgrimes, in Five Bookes, 作为“我将我的全部藏书捐给马萨诸塞州历史学会的真诚和证据”."

In accordance with Dowse's wishes, at the December meeting of the Society, 会员们投票决定将协会位于波士顿特雷蒙特街30号的大楼二楼的一个房间改造为他的书. 在1857年4月9日的MHS年会上,Dowse图书馆正式投入使用,并成为协会成员的中心聚会场所, the richly appointed room a stark contrast, in the words of Charles Francis Adams (1835-1915), to "the dirty, ordinary, 它过去常常在一个房间里举行非常小而沉闷的月度会议,但房间保养不善,设备简陋." In 1899, 道斯图书馆被拆除,搬到了协会现在的总部,位于博伊尔斯顿街1154号, 在那里,它继续作为会议室使用——尽管它现在太小了,不能容纳整个协会的会员.

Highlights of the Collection: A Special Exhibition

从2007年4月9日开始,一直持续到夏季, 为了纪念托马斯·道斯图书馆落成150周年,MHS将在以他命名的房间里举办托马斯·道斯图书馆的图书展览. Among the 4,665 volumes are first editions of The Faerie Queene and Paradise Lost, John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia (1632), William Wood's New England's Prospect (1639) and a 1787 London edition of Thomas Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia. In addition to bibliographical rarities, the library contains English literature, foreign literature in translation, travel accounts, history, and biography. As befits Dowse's occupation as a leather dresser, many of the volumes are cased in fine bindings, 通常是19世纪早期波士顿装订工的作品. 除了赠送礼物时出版的道斯图书馆目录外, all of the volumes now are accessible through ABIGAIL, the MHS online catalog.

Suggestions for Further Reading

马萨诸塞州剑桥托马斯·道斯私人图书馆目录., 1856年7月30日提交给马萨诸塞州历史学会. Boston: John Wilson & Son, 1856.

Everett, Edward. "Eulogy on Thomas Dowse," in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1855-1858, p. 361-398.

Farnham, Luther. A Glance at Private Libraries. Boston: Crocker & Brewster, 1855.

Tucker, Louis Leonard. The 马萨诸塞州历史学会:二百周年历史,1791-1991. Boston: Mass. Historical Society, 1995.

Whitehill, Walter Muir. "The Centenary of the Dowse Library," in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 71 (October, 1953-May, 1957), p. 167-178.