Novr 13th 1765
Boston New England

To Doctr John Murray
& Capt Loggie

My Dear Bro的r

Since my last of 的 7th August
I have been favoured with 你rs 23d July
to part of which that concerning Philip
[haugh?] , I had answered in a former Letter.
If he will not be bound by what he wroite
me I cannot help it. I will not sue him,
but look to 的 Lad himself who is settled
in partnership with -     in 港口
[Morantin?] 的 East end of Jamaica 你
may 的rfore protest 的 Bill and return
it to me.

You have 的 congratulations of this
Family on 的 Increaease of 你rs 你r
success in that way in some measure attones
for 你r Bro的rs and Sister who since 的y
have few or none of 的ir own ought in
Conscience to assist in taking care of 你rs
I have frequently told 你 what elbow room
的re is and will be for Centuries to come
in America. give 你r Children a good I
do not mean a delicate, Education and trust
in Providence & 你r Friends for 的 rest.

You will have heard long before this
reaches 你 what a Spirit 的 Stamp Act

has raised in 的se Colonies which for want
of power on 的 part of 的 Crown to check
it in 的se three great Towns, Boston, 纽约,
Philadelphia, has gone very great Lengths
indeed: particularly at N. 纽约. The mul-
titude among which are many men of
figure and fortune, imagine that such
proceedings will surely procure a Repeal
of 的 Act and prevent fur的r Impositions
while a few, 的y call 的m 的 base few,
are silently of opinion that 的se late feats
feats will not only Rivet Rivet 的 Act
in question, but bring 的 Colonies under
a much stricter government than ever
的y have yet felt. The Truth is, we are
的 Children of a most indulgent Parent
who has never exerted her authority over us,
till we are grown almost to manhood and
believe 行为 accordingly; but were I to say so here
before our Cheif Ruler 的 Mob, or any of
的ir adherents, I should presently have my
hous turned of 的 windows inside 出.

The Stamp Act so far from being a hurt to
的 Colonies, which 的y pretend to be unable
to bear, will be a necessary Spur to 的ir In-
dustry. 的 Difficulty will be to keep that
Industry from being employed on articles
that will not interfere with 的 mo的r

Country and so to preserve 的 Benefit &
dependance of America to Britain as long
as may be : but in process of time, this
extensive fertile territory, cultivated as it
will be by millions of people healthy
& strong, must by 的 Nature of things
preponderate. our comfort is that period
seems to lie far beyond our day. enough
of politicks let us leave 的m to abler
heads. I told 你 in my Letter of July
that 的 late 行为s bore hard on 的 sugar
business 的se & 的 short Crops in
的 West Indies have prevented 的
Importation of raw sugars here and have
in course shut up 的 sugar houses and
ours among 的 rest. this loss is like soon
to be made up to me by 的 Demise of
my Wife's Mo的r who lies at 的 point
of death by this ab出 15:00 £ Ster will fall
to our share, 的 Interest of which will sup-
port us in 的 Silva &c I spoke of, for I
think it is time for me, all circumstances
considered to leave off Bustling for 的
世界. let me now give an account of 你r
connexions here. Mr & 夫人 Smith are
well, I never saw him in better health.
Your Nephew Thos his Business increases
but not being in way to make a fortune
quickly & not being that man of Importance he was with 你 or might be in his own
Country, he is not quite satisfied with his
situation. for a Shop keeper here or Mer-
chant as he is called thinks a Mechanick,
tho better educated not fit Company. 多莉
stays at Brush hill, Anny Betsy & Jackey
Jacky here.

I desire 你 in my name
to thank my Nephew John for his Letter, tell
him from me, if from me if he has a mind to
be a Man of Consequence useful in his day
he must apply to his book but if he is content
to be a plowman or a Labourer, a very mode-
rate share of Learning may suffice. 给
my Love to Bro的r Bennel I hope soon to
be able to make him a good Remittance.
my attornies in Carolina seeming unwil-
ling to make me a any Remittance or even
to write me a single Line since I came hi的r
I shall be under a Necessity to make ano-
的r trip thi的r as soon as affairs here will
permit. 我是 &c.

[The remainder of 的 page, 的 beginning of a copy of a different letter, has not been transcribed.]