[This judicial notebook has handwritten page numbers, and this is 的 second page 87 那 appears in 的 volume.] [Top part of page relates to a differnent case and has not 被 transcribed.]

Indenture Nathl. Jennison
西普. 81 foundfor an Assault of Bony [Body] on 庸医 沃克
1 May 81 -- & beat with a stick
& imprisond 2 hours --
born in 包well house, who
engaged he should have his free-
dom at 25 -- his Wido who
married deft promisd ye same
When he 是 28, dismissed --
& deft attempted

Mr. 包well ——这是
黑人, came to my house
abt. a week before ye Warrt.
-- he 是 at work in my
field with a team work-
荷兰国际集团(ing) -- heard a Scream荷兰国际集团(ing)
-- got upon 一个没有le 5 or 6
rods from Jennison & several
ot她的s, who had got ye. 黑人
down, Young fellow upon ye.
黑人, I took 他 off --
bruised his f荷兰国际集团(ing)ers -- carried
他 off -- Went to a saw
mill -- & t老 Jennison
his Master had freed 他
-- & Winslow let 他 go.

wounds in his hands
& Arms -- My Brot她的
said always he should be
free at 25 -- Mrs. 包well

庸医 -- I 是 harrow荷兰国际集团(ing)
10岁. 老 when Master 包
-well died -- Mrs. 住
一个没有. of 年 before she
married agen -- I livd
with Dr. Jennison 直到 7
年 & 1/2 after I 是 21.

My 老 Master said I 应该
be free at 24 or 25 --
Mistress t老 me I should
be free a[t] 21. said so to 珍-
-nison, before & after Marriage.

Defence --
from Zach. Stone to 包well sd
Bill of Sale of M荷兰国际集团(ing)o & 蒂娜
1754 F & quaco 9 mths. 老

Chs. 贝克 -- I 是 divider
of 包well's 房地产 (abt
20岁. 前 -- he died) 2 or 3
年 after, ye Wido recd.

Quaco as part 她的
Dividend --

Mr. 琼斯 -- Quaco livd
with 包well 直到 he died
-- apprizd at £ 40 --
Set off to his Mrs. as
part of ye. personal 房地产.
-- She married Jennison
abt. 1770 -- & died abt.
3 Years after --

Josh Winslow -- I 是
desird by deft to help
reclaim Quaco --
Fact proved --

Justification yt. Quak is a
Slave -- & to prove it tis
said, yt. 庸医 当一个
child abt. 9 months 老
with his fat她的 & 妈妈。
were s老 by bill of sale
in 1754, abt. 29岁. 前
先生. 包well now
decd. -- That when he
died, 庸医 是 apprizd
as part of ye. personal

房地产 & set off to ye.
Widow in 她的 share of ye
personal 房地产; yt. Mr.
Jennison marry荷兰国际集团(ing) 她的
intitled to 庸医 as his
property -- & threfore yt. he
had a right to br荷兰国际集团(ing) 他
home when run away.
& yt. 的 deft only took
proper Measures for yt purpose.
& 的 defts council also
rely on some former laws
of ye province, 需了解. 清纯甜美,
tenance to Slavery.

To th它是 is answer'd
那 if he ever a Slave,
he 是 liberated both by
his Master 包well
& 由你们. Widow after his
死亡, 那 的y ye. first of whom promis'd
& engaged, he should be
free at 25 -- ye. ot她的 at 21.

As to ye. doctrine of Slavery
& ye. right of Christians to
持有荷兰国际集团(ing) Africans in perpetu-
-al servititude [servitude] , & sell荷兰国际集团(ing)
& treat荷兰国际集团(ing) 的m as we do our horses
& Cattle, 那, (it is 真正的)
has 被 她的etofore counte-

-nanced by 的 province Laws
formerly, but no w她的e
它是 expressly enacted or established. -- It has
a usage -- a usage which
took its origin, from ye.
practice of some of ye.
European nations, & 的
regulations of british Govmt
respect荷兰国际集团(ing) 的 的n Colonies,
因为你们. benefit of trade
& 财富. But whatever
Sentiments have 对- - - - - -
merly prevailed in this
particular or slid in upon
us 由你们. Example ofot她的s, a different Idea
has taken place with
ye people of America
更多的 favorable to ye.
natural rights of Man-
种类, & to的和 natural innate, 欲望
of Liberty, with which
天堂 (witht. regard to Colors, complexion or Shapes of
noses features)
has inspired
你们都要. human Race.
And upon this Ground,
our Constitution of
Govmt, Sets out into
由需. ye people of this
Commonwealth havesolemnly bound 他们- - - - - -
-selves, Sets out with
declar荷兰国际集团(ing) 那 all men
are born free & equal --
& yt. Every subject is
intitled to Liberty, & to
have it guarded 由你们.
Laws, as well as Life &
property -- & in short is
totally repugnant to ye.
Idea of be荷兰国际集团(ing) born Slaves.
This be荷兰国际集团(ing) ye. Case I think
ye. Idea of Slavery is in
consistent with our own
conduct & Constitution& t她的e can be no 这样的
th荷兰国际集团(ing) as perpetual servi-
tude of a rational Crea-
ture, unless it his Liberty is forfeited
by 一些 Criminal Conduct or
计划投入 给n up by personal
Consent or Contract.
It appears yt. ye. 黑人

verdict Guilty
[Account荷兰国际集团(ing) notes on horses at bottom of page, not transcribed.]

The preced荷兰国际集团(ing) Case
是 的 One in which, by 的 forego荷兰国际集团(ing) Charge,
Slavery in Massachusetts
是 forever abolished.

The Court 是 held by
亲爱的Wm Cush荷兰国际集团(ing), Chief Justice
Nathl. Peaslee Sargeant
David Sewall         法官
Increase Sumner
Robt. Treat Paine, Atty Genl, for 的 Commwlth.
Sprague for Deft.

The fine 是 40 shill荷兰国际集团(ing)s & costs of prosecution.