
A Home for Art 教育 in Boston: 哈特韦尔 and 理查森's Design for the 马萨诸塞州师范艺术学校

国立师范艺术学校 手工上色雕刻


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This 1889 architectural drawing depicts the 马萨诸塞州师范艺术学校's headquarters designed by Boston architects 亨利·W. 哈特韦尔和威廉. 理查森. The school was located at the corner of Newbury and Exeter Streets in Boston and was demolished in 1969.

The Founding of the 马萨诸塞州师范艺术学校

As Massachusetts rapidly industrialized during the nineteenth century, there was a need for an increasingly well-trained work force including men and women skilled in "industrial drawing"—technical drawing to show the construction and operation of machinery and manufactured products. In 1870, the Massachusetts state legislature passed the Massachusetts Free Instruction in Drawing Act, making the study of drawing obligatory in public schools and instruction in industrial drawing free to persons over fifteen years of age in towns and cities with a population of more than 10,000.

While the legislation met with broad public support, there were almost no art teachers available to instruct students, so the legislature also established a 国立师范艺术学校—a training school for art teachers. The shortage of drawing instructors extended to the faculty of the new Normal Art School and was so great that teachers skilled in industrial art education were recruited in England to train American art teachers. The top students in the first class to graduate from the Normal Art School were offered direct appointments to the faculty of the school.

随着时间的推移, the Normal Art School evolved from its vocational origins and not only prepared instructors "to teach and superintend industrial drawing in the schools" and "to provide for high skill in technical drawing," but to encourage creativity in a broader range of art culture.


After renting and leasing temporary space at different addresses in the center of Boston, 1886年,立法机关拨款85美元,一所普通艺术学校的大楼. Within a year (and under budget), the architectural firm of 亨利·W. 哈特韦尔和威廉. 理查森 designed and constructed a brick and brownstone home for the school at the corner of Newbury and Exeter Streets in the elegant new Back Bay neighborhood of Boston. 1887年2月, the school moved into its new headquarters that had been created to concentrate classrooms and galleries on each floor where they would receive the most natural light.

亨利·W. 哈特韦尔和威廉. 理查森 were known for their conservative, well-built shingle-style suburban homes and brick and brownstone town halls and school buildings. They were influenced by and worked in the shadow of H. H. 理查森(与威廉. 理查森). Their most prominent earlier project stood diagonally across the street from the Normal Art School-the very grand First Spiritual Temple of Boston, 现在的埃克塞特街剧院大楼. [See a web presentation of a photograph of this building from Digital Commonwealth: First Spiritualist Temple, corner Newbury and Exeter Streets.]

As the Normal Art School evolved to become the Massachusetts School of Art and then the Massachusetts College of Art-now MassArt-it moved, 分阶段地, from its home in the Back Bay to its present campus on Huntington Avenue, 波士顿的“艺术大道”." It remains the first and only public independent college of art and design in the United States.


美国建筑师与建筑新闻,卷. 25, no. 1889年3月2日.

In addition to the rendering featured here, the March 1889 issue of 美国建筑师与建筑新闻 includes a description of the school and its construction with an accompanying floor plan on page 102. 问题的数字档案 美国建筑师 is available online at the University of Pennsylvania American Architect website: http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=amarch

马萨诸塞州师范艺术学校. Circular of the 马萨诸塞州师范艺术学校 at Boston: Under the Direction of the State Board of 教育, 1876-1877. 波士顿:赖特和波特.

An overview and explanation of the purpose of the Normal Art School.

玛丽·安·斯坦凯维奇. The Development of Visual Arts 教育 in the United States: the 马萨诸塞州师范艺术学校 and the Normalization of Creativity. 纽约:Palgrave MacMillan出版社,2016.

An institutional history of the origins and early years of the Normal Art School and placing the founding in the context of a larger debate over the public purpose of art education.

Vogel, Susan Maycock. "哈特韦尔 and 理查森, an Introduction to Their Work." The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. 卷. 32, no. 2(1973年5月),132-46.

A well-illustrated overview of the architectural partnerships of 亨利·W. 威廉·C·哈特韦尔. 理查森, and others between 1881 and 哈特韦尔's death in 1919. The firm continued under the name "哈特韦尔 and 理查森" until 1935.

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