A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Wednesday 29th

29 March 1865

Friday 31st

31 March 1865
30 March 1865
Thursday 30th



For the first time, a tolerably fine day in this month. The authorities on the weather report the average temperature as less by eight degrees than it has been in March for half a century. Occupied in my weekly duty of preparing Despatches. Spirits a little drooping today. The weariness of this situation is becoming oppressive, and the suspense as to the future painful. Public life at home is little cheering, so that I scarcely relish the danger of becoming again involved in it, should I be extricated now. Walk. The American newspapers had not much news. The report that the government had offered the French mission to that profligate adventurer James G. Bennett of the New York Herald, if true degrades the President below the level of his predecessor Buchanan. For he had sufficient respect for the national character to refuse it. Mr Lincoln has certainly in some respects acquitted himself with honor, and his management of the difficult crisis to the country may give him a high place in history. But nothing could ever make him a gentleman, or a sagacious administrator in the selection of agents. His only measure is electioneering service. I hope Mr Seward has not his finger in this dirt. But I am not sure. The shine of New York has not passed by him always without sticking. Dined with Dean and Mrs Milman. He was evidently very uncomfortable with a severe cold, which impaired the pleasure of the occasion. The Archbishop of York and his daughter, Lord and Lady Cranworth, M de Circourt, Mr Howard, his Wife and daughter made the company. Lady Louisa Howard is the daughter of the late Marquis of Lansdowne. She sat on my right, and seemed a very plain as well as uninteresting woman. I have rarely relished a dinner less. A sense of weariness overpowers me, sot hat I become indifferent to social exertion. M de Circourt is the same gentleman I met at Paris, at Mr Dayton’s and Mr Senior’s breakfast. From thence I went to a reception at the Duchess of Somersets Not very full. Count Lavradio said something conciliatory about the difficulty at Lisbon, which I responded to.241

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://xtzyck.bryansaunders.net/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d089