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第三卷: 小册子: 1004页[about this page]Note: No pages numbered 996-1003.

Previous Pamphlet An Oration Delivered April 2d, 1771 [about this pamphlet]  
An Oration Delivered April 2d, 1771

This item is a printed pamphlet of the oration given by James Lovell on 2 April 1771 in Boston to "COMMEMORATE the bloody TRAGEDY of the FIFTH of MARCH, 1770" (the first anniversary of the Boston Massacre). It contains annotations on nearly every page. The annotations largely refer readers to pages 60 and 429 of volume 3; and, number of annotations also refer to each of Dorr's other three volumes.

Pages Annotated:
  • 1006页
  • 1007页
  • 1008页
  • 1009页
  • 1010页
  • 1011页
  • 1012页
  • 1013页
  • 1014页
  • 1015页
  • 1016页
  • 1016页 (repeat)
  • 1016页 (repeat)
  • 1017页
  • 1018页
  • 1019页

og体育平台 1004页:

This item is a printed pamphlet of the oration given by James Lovell on 2 April 1771 in Boston to "COMMEMORATE the bloody TRAGEDY of the FIFTH of MARCH, 1770" (the first anniversary of the Boston Massacre). It contains annotations on nearly every page. The annotations largely refer readers to pages 60 and 429 of volume 3; and, number of annotations also refer to each of Dorr's other three volumes.

  • 詹姆斯·洛弗尔
  • Cushing, Thomas
  • 汉考克,约翰
  • 亚当斯,撒母耳
  • Pemberton, Samuel
  • Church, Benjamin
  • 达纳,理查德
  • Inches, Henderson
  • Cooper, William
  • Blackstone, William
  • 乔治三世
  • Hutchinson, Thomas
  • 农民
  • Pitt, William (Lord Chatham)
  • Pratt, Charles (Lord Camden)
  • Boston Massacre
  • Commemoration
  • 常备军
  • Bill of Rights
  • Journal of the Times
  • Town of Boston

Dorr's index terms for this page:

  • 搜索ing for index references to this page...

Sequence Number 1038 of 1057; 卷3 of 4.

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